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Sale condos, Ottawa, streets which start from letter R
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Rabbit Path
Rachael Avenue
Rachell Way
Radcliffe Gate
Radford Court
Radhika Court
Radisson Way
Radstock Private
Radway Terrace
Raffeallo Street
Raftsman Lane
Raftus Square
Raglan Avenue
Rahul Crescent
Railway Street
Rainbow Crescent
Rainbow Street
Rainforest Drive
Rainier Street
Rainrock Crescent
Rainsford Avenue
Raintree Drive
Raj Terrace
Raleigh Street
Ralph Street
Ralphpark Street
Ralston Street
Ramar Lane
Ramelton Private
Ramsayville Road
Ramsey Crescent
Ramsgate Private
Ramsgrange Street
Ranchwood Way
Rand Avenue
Randall Avenue
Randall James Drive
Randboro Crescent
Range Road
Rangeland Avenue
Rangeview Avenue
Ranita Crescent
Rankin Street
Rannoch Private
Rapids View Street
Rastila Crescent
Ratan Court
Raven Avenue
Raven Road
Ravendale Way
Ravenhill Avenue
Ravenna Crescent
Ravenscroft Court
Ravenswood Way
Ravenview Way
Ravine Way
Ray Wilson Road
Rayburn Street
Raymond Labrosse Street
Raymond Street
Rayners Lane
Ready Way
Reaney Court
Reaneyhill Way
Reardon Private
Rebecca Crescent
Rector Avenue
Red Castle Ridge
Red Maple Crescent
Red Oaks Trail
Red Rock Lane
Red Spruce Street
Red Willow Drive
Redberry Court
Redbridge Crescent
Redcar Crescent
Redcliff Avenue
Reddick Lane
Redding Way
Redenda Crescent
Redfern Avenue
Redfield Avenue
Redfox Place
Redpath Drive
Redpine Drive
Redstone Lane
Redtail Private
Redwin Street
Redwood Avenue
Reevecraig Road North
Reevecraig Road South
Reeves Crescent
Regal Crescent
Regatta Avenue
Regburn Drive
Regency Terrace
Regent Street
Regimbald Road
Regiment Avenue
Regina Lane
Regina Street
Regional Road 174
Regis Avenue
Reid Avenue
Reid Haven Road
Reids Lane
Rein Terrace
Reindeer Way
Reis Road
Relin Way
Rembrandt Road
Remembrance Crescent
Remic Avenue
Remington Way
Remnor Avenue
Remora Way
Renaissance Drive
Renaud Road
Rene Crescent
René-Doré Way
Renfield Road
Renfrew Avenue
Renoir Court
Renouf Avenue
Renova Private
Renshaw Avenue
Repentigny Drive
Research Road
Resolute Way
Resort Park Private
Resthaven Avenue
Reubens Court
Revell Drive
Revelstoke Drive
Revol Road
Rex Avenue
Rexton Street
Reynolds Drive
Rhapsody Lane
Rhea Place
Rhodes Court
Rhodes Crescent
Rialto Way
Ricardo Street
Rice Avenue
Rich Little Drive
Richard Avenue
Richard Circle
Richard Street
Richardson Avenue
Richardson Sideroad
Richelieu Avenue
Richer Drive
Richland Drive
Richlin Crescent
Richmond Road
Richvale Street
Rick Hansen Crescent
Rickey Place
Riddell Avenue North
Riddell Avenue South
Riddell Drive
Riddledale Road
Rideau Bend Crescent
Rideau Cove Court
Rideau Forest Drive
Rideau Garden Drive
Rideau Gate
Rideau Glen Drive
Rideau Heights Drive
Rideau Heights Lane
Rideau Narrows Drive
Rideau River Drive
Rideau River Lane
Rideau River Road
Rideau Road
Rideau Shore Court
Rideau Street
Rideau Street North
Rideau Street South
Rideau Terrace
Rideau Valley Drive
Rideau Valley Drive North
Rideau Valley Drive South
Rideaucrest Drive
Rideauvale Avenue
Rideauview Terrace
Rideout Crescent
Ridge Road
Ridgebrook Drive
Ridgeburn Gate
Ridgecrest Place
Ridgedale Street
Ridgefield Crescent
Ridgegate Street
Ridgelea Place
Ridgemont Avenue
Ridgepark Private
Ridgeside Farm Drive
Ridgetop Road
Ridgevalley Drive
Ridgeview Drive
Ridgeway Way
Ridgewood Avenue
Riding Way
Ridingview Crescent
Ridley Boulevard
Riel Street
Rifle Road
Riga Private
Riley Avenue
Ring Road
Riocan Avenue
Rioja Street
Riopelle Court
Ripplerock Private
Risborough Court
Rita Avenue
Ritchie Avenue
Ritchie Street
River Bend Drive
River Boat Heights
River Garden Private
River Inlet Court
River Landing Avenue
River Mist Road
River Oaks Court
River Ridge Crescent
River Road
River Rock Avenue
River Run Avenue
Riverbank Court
Riverboat Heights
Riverbreeze Street
Riverbrook Road
Rivercrest Drive
Riverdale Avenue
Riverdown Drive
Riverfront Court
Rivergate Way
Rivergreen Crescent
Rivermill Crescent
Riversedge Crescent
Riverset Crescent
Rivershore Crescent
Riverside Crescent
Riverside Drive
Riverstone Drive
Rivertree Street
Riverview Park Lane
Riverwood Drive
Riviera Drive
Rivington Street
Roanoke Street
Rob Lytles Lane
Rob Roy Avenue
Robarts Crescent
Roberge Crescent
Robert Dowd Street
Robert Grant Avenue
Robert J. Maki Bridge
Robert Kemp Street
Robert Street
Robert Taite Drive
Roberta Crescent
Robertlee Drive
Robertson Road
Roberval Avenue
Robillard Private
Robin Crescent
Robin Lane
Robin Road
Robina Avenue
Robinson Avenue
Robinwood Place
Roblyn Way
Robson Court
Roche Place
Rochefort Circle
Rochelle Drive
Rochester Street
Rochon Way
Rock Avenue
Rock Coady Trail
Rock Dove Court
Rock Forest Road
Rockcliffe Driveway
Rockcliffe Parkway
Rockcliffe Road
Rockcliffe Way
Rockcress Garden
Rockdale Road
Rockfield Crescent
Rockhurst Road
Rockingham Avenue
Rocklane Drive
Rockledge Road
Rockrose Way
Rockson Crescent
Rockway Crescent
Rockwood Street
Rocky Creek Way
Rocky Harbour Crescent
Rocky Hill Drive
Rocky Point Road
Rocky Ridge Court
Rocque Street
Rodeo Drive
Rodin Way
Rodney Crescent
Rodney Farm Drive
Roger Guindon Avenue
Roger Road
Roger Stevens Drive
Rogers Creek Way
Roland Michener Drive
Rolland Avenue
Rollin Place
Rolling Brook Drive
Rolling Hills Place
Rolling Meadow Crescent
Rolling River Crescent
Rolston Way
Roman Avenue
Romina Street
Romulus Private
Ron Maslin Way
Ronald Avenue
Rondeau Place
Rondel Street
Rongail Street
Rooneys Lane
Roosevelt Avenue
Roper Avenue
Rose Street
Roseanne Lane
Rosebella Avenue
Rosebery Avenue
Rosebud Private
Rosecliffe Court
Rosedale Avenue
Rosefire Drive
Rosegarden Crescent
Roseglen Private
Rosehill Avenue
Roselawn Court
Rosemary Garden
Rosemeade Place
Rosemere Avenue
Rosemount Avenue
Rosenfeld Crescent
Rosenthal Avenue
Rosethorn Way
Rosetta Avenue
Roseview Avenue
Rosewind Court
Rosewood Avenue
Rosina Way
Rosingdale Street
Roslyn Avenue
Ross Avenue
Rossan Street
Rossburn Crescent
Rossignol Crescent
Rossland Avenue
Rostad Avenue
Roswell Drive
Rotary Way
Rothbourne Road
Rothbury Crescent
Rothesay Drive
Rothwell Circle
Rothwell Drive
Rougemount Crescent
Rouncey Road
Roundhay Drive
Roundtree Court
Rousseau Crescent
Route 100
Route 200
Route 400
Route 500
Rover Street
Rowallen Place
Rowan Drive
Rowan Road
Rowanwood Avenue
Rowatt Street
Rowe Drive
Rowley Avenue
Roxborough Avenue
Roxdale Avenue
Roy Errington Way
Royal Avenue
Royal Birkdale Green
Royal County Down
Royal Elm Private
Royal Fern Way
Royal Field Crescent
Royal Gala Private
Royal Hunt Court
Royal Maple Drive
Royal Oak Court
Royal Orchard Drive
Royal Palm Crescent
Royal Troon Lane
Royal York Street
Royalton Private
Roycroft Way
Roydon Place
Rozel Crescent
Rue De L'eglise
Rueter Street
Ruissellet Road
Rumford Drive
Rupert Street
Rushford Private
Rushing Brook Drive
Rushmore Road
Rushton Road
Ruskin Street
Russell Avenue
Russell Road
Russell Street
Russet Terrace
Russland Road
Russvern Drive
Rustic Drive
Rustic Hills Crescent
Rustwood Private
Rutgers Private
Ruth Street
Rutherford Court
Rutherford Crescent
Rutherford Way
Rutherglen Terrace
Rutlege Street
Ryan Drive
Ryder Street
Ryeburn Drive
Ryerson Avenue
Ryland Street
Rywalk Circle
Sale condos by streets
Rabbit Path
Rachael Avenue
Rachell Way
Radcliffe Gate
Radford Court
Radhika Court
Radisson Way
Radstock Private
Radway Terrace
Raffeallo Street
Raftsman Lane
Raftus Square
Raglan Avenue
Rahul Crescent
Railway Street
Rainbow Crescent
Rainbow Street
Rainforest Drive
Rainier Street
Rainrock Crescent
Rainsford Avenue
Raintree Drive
Raj Terrace
Raleigh Street
Ralph Street
Ralphpark Street
Ralston Street
Ramar Lane
Ramelton Private
Ramsayville Road
Ramsey Crescent
Ramsgate Private
Ramsgrange Street
Ranchwood Way
Rand Avenue
Randall Avenue
Randall James Drive
Randboro Crescent
Range Road
Rangeland Avenue
Rangeview Avenue
Ranita Crescent
Rankin Street
Rannoch Private
Rapids View Street
Rastila Crescent
Ratan Court
Raven Avenue
Raven Road
Ravendale Way
Ravenhill Avenue
Ravenna Crescent
Ravenscroft Court
Ravenswood Way
Ravenview Way
Ravine Way
Ray Wilson Road
Rayburn Street
Raymond Labrosse Street
Raymond Street
Rayners Lane
Ready Way
Reaney Court
Reaneyhill Way
Reardon Private
Rebecca Crescent
Rector Avenue
Red Castle Ridge
Red Maple Crescent
Red Oaks Trail
Red Rock Lane
Red Spruce Street
Red Willow Drive
Redberry Court
Redbridge Crescent
Redcar Crescent
Redcliff Avenue
Reddick Lane
Redding Way
Redenda Crescent
Redfern Avenue
Redfield Avenue
Redfox Place
Redpath Drive
Redpine Drive
Redstone Lane
Redtail Private
Redwin Street
Redwood Avenue
Reevecraig Road North
Reevecraig Road South
Reeves Crescent
Regal Crescent
Regatta Avenue
Regburn Drive
Regency Terrace
Regent Street
Regimbald Road
Regiment Avenue
Regina Lane
Regina Street
Regional Road 174
Regis Avenue
Reid Avenue
Reid Haven Road
Reids Lane
Rein Terrace
Reindeer Way
Reis Road
Relin Way
Rembrandt Road
Remembrance Crescent
Remic Avenue
Remington Way
Remnor Avenue
Remora Way
Renaissance Drive
Renaud Road
Rene Crescent
René-Doré Way
Renfield Road
Renfrew Avenue
Renoir Court
Renouf Avenue
Renova Private
Renshaw Avenue
Repentigny Drive
Research Road
Resolute Way
Resort Park Private
Resthaven Avenue
Reubens Court
Revell Drive
Revelstoke Drive
Revol Road
Rex Avenue
Rexton Street
Reynolds Drive
Rhapsody Lane
Rhea Place
Rhodes Court
Rhodes Crescent
Rialto Way
Ricardo Street
Rice Avenue
Rich Little Drive
Richard Avenue
Richard Circle
Richard Street
Richardson Avenue
Richardson Sideroad
Richelieu Avenue
Richer Drive
Richland Drive
Richlin Crescent
Richmond Road
Richvale Street
Rick Hansen Crescent
Rickey Place
Riddell Avenue North
Riddell Avenue South
Riddell Drive
Riddledale Road
Rideau Bend Crescent
Rideau Cove Court
Rideau Forest Drive
Rideau Garden Drive
Rideau Gate
Rideau Glen Drive
Rideau Heights Drive
Rideau Heights Lane
Rideau Narrows Drive
Rideau River Drive
Rideau River Lane
Rideau River Road
Rideau Road
Rideau Shore Court
Rideau Street
Rideau Street North
Rideau Street South
Rideau Terrace
Rideau Valley Drive
Rideau Valley Drive North
Rideau Valley Drive South
Rideaucrest Drive
Rideauvale Avenue
Rideauview Terrace
Rideout Crescent
Ridge Road
Ridgebrook Drive
Ridgeburn Gate
Ridgecrest Place
Ridgedale Street
Ridgefield Crescent
Ridgegate Street
Ridgelea Place
Ridgemont Avenue
Ridgepark Private
Ridgeside Farm Drive
Ridgetop Road
Ridgevalley Drive
Ridgeview Drive
Ridgeway Way
Ridgewood Avenue
Riding Way
Ridingview Crescent
Ridley Boulevard
Riel Street
Rifle Road
Riga Private
Riley Avenue
Ring Road
Riocan Avenue
Rioja Street
Riopelle Court
Ripplerock Private
Risborough Court
Rita Avenue
Ritchie Avenue
Ritchie Street
River Bend Drive
River Boat Heights
River Garden Private
River Inlet Court
River Landing Avenue
River Mist Road
River Oaks Court
River Ridge Crescent
River Road
River Rock Avenue
River Run Avenue
Riverbank Court
Riverboat Heights
Riverbreeze Street
Riverbrook Road
Rivercrest Drive
Riverdale Avenue
Riverdown Drive
Riverfront Court
Rivergate Way
Rivergreen Crescent
Rivermill Crescent
Riversedge Crescent
Riverset Crescent
Rivershore Crescent
Riverside Crescent
Riverside Drive
Riverstone Drive
Rivertree Street
Riverview Park Lane
Riverwood Drive
Riviera Drive
Rivington Street
Roanoke Street
Rob Lytles Lane
Rob Roy Avenue
Robarts Crescent
Roberge Crescent
Robert Dowd Street
Robert Grant Avenue
Robert J. Maki Bridge
Robert Kemp Street
Robert Street
Robert Taite Drive
Roberta Crescent
Robertlee Drive
Robertson Road
Roberval Avenue
Robillard Private
Robin Crescent
Robin Lane
Robin Road
Robina Avenue
Robinson Avenue
Robinwood Place
Roblyn Way
Robson Court
Roche Place
Rochefort Circle
Rochelle Drive
Rochester Street
Rochon Way
Rock Avenue
Rock Coady Trail
Rock Dove Court
Rock Forest Road
Rockcliffe Driveway
Rockcliffe Parkway
Rockcliffe Road
Rockcliffe Way
Rockcress Garden
Rockdale Road
Rockfield Crescent
Rockhurst Road
Rockingham Avenue
Rocklane Drive
Rockledge Road
Rockrose Way
Rockson Crescent
Rockway Crescent
Rockwood Street
Rocky Creek Way
Rocky Harbour Crescent
Rocky Hill Drive
Rocky Point Road
Rocky Ridge Court
Rocque Street
Rodeo Drive
Rodin Way
Rodney Crescent
Rodney Farm Drive
Roger Guindon Avenue
Roger Road
Roger Stevens Drive
Rogers Creek Way
Roland Michener Drive
Rolland Avenue
Rollin Place
Rolling Brook Drive
Rolling Hills Place
Rolling Meadow Crescent
Rolling River Crescent
Rolston Way
Roman Avenue
Romina Street
Romulus Private
Ron Maslin Way
Ronald Avenue
Rondeau Place
Rondel Street
Rongail Street
Rooneys Lane
Roosevelt Avenue
Roper Avenue
Rose Street
Roseanne Lane
Rosebella Avenue
Rosebery Avenue
Rosebud Private
Rosecliffe Court
Rosedale Avenue
Rosefire Drive
Rosegarden Crescent
Roseglen Private
Rosehill Avenue
Roselawn Court
Rosemary Garden
Rosemeade Place
Rosemere Avenue
Rosemount Avenue
Rosenfeld Crescent
Rosenthal Avenue
Rosethorn Way
Rosetta Avenue
Roseview Avenue
Rosewind Court
Rosewood Avenue
Rosina Way
Rosingdale Street
Roslyn Avenue
Ross Avenue
Rossan Street
Rossburn Crescent
Rossignol Crescent
Rossland Avenue
Rostad Avenue
Roswell Drive
Rotary Way
Rothbourne Road
Rothbury Crescent
Rothesay Drive
Rothwell Circle
Rothwell Drive
Rougemount Crescent
Rouncey Road
Roundhay Drive
Roundtree Court
Rousseau Crescent
Route 100
Route 200
Route 400
Route 500
Rover Street
Rowallen Place
Rowan Drive
Rowan Road
Rowanwood Avenue
Rowatt Street
Rowe Drive
Rowley Avenue
Roxborough Avenue
Roxdale Avenue
Roy Errington Way
Royal Avenue
Royal Birkdale Green
Royal County Down
Royal Elm Private
Royal Fern Way
Royal Field Crescent
Royal Gala Private
Royal Hunt Court
Royal Maple Drive
Royal Oak Court
Royal Orchard Drive
Royal Palm Crescent
Royal Troon Lane
Royal York Street
Royalton Private
Roycroft Way
Roydon Place
Rozel Crescent
Rue De L'eglise
Rueter Street
Ruissellet Road
Rumford Drive
Rupert Street
Rushford Private
Rushing Brook Drive
Rushmore Road
Rushton Road
Ruskin Street
Russell Avenue
Russell Road
Russell Street
Russet Terrace
Russland Road
Russvern Drive
Rustic Drive
Rustic Hills Crescent
Rustwood Private
Rutgers Private
Ruth Street
Rutherford Court
Rutherford Crescent
Rutherford Way
Rutherglen Terrace
Rutlege Street
Ryan Drive
Ryder Street
Ryeburn Drive
Ryerson Avenue
Ryland Street
Rywalk Circle